Maritime Connectivity Platform (MCP) documentation ========================================================== This documentation describes Maritime Connectivity Platform from the overall architecture to the technical details of the MCP reference implementation. Intended audiences are mostly the people having technical backgrounds, for example: * MCP instance provider developers * MCP service providers * MCP service consumers * MCP source code contributors To build solid understanding of MCP you are expected to read the documents from the list below: * `MCP official webpage `__ * `MCP IDsec1 MCC Identity Management and Security; General Approach and Basic Requirements `__ * `MCP IDsec2 MCC Identity Management and Security; Identity Management `__ * `MCP IDsec3 MCC Identity Management and Security; Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) `__ * `MCP IDsec4 MCC Identity Management and Security; Authentication and Authorization for Web Services `__ Please refer `our Discourse forum `__ for general usage questions and new releases. **Table of content** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 basicConcept MIR MSR MMS MRN MCPInstanceProvider useMCPInstance setupMCP sourcecode terminology reference Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`