MCP MRN namespace

MCP MRN namespace is a subspace of the Maritime Resource Name (MRN) space, which is an official URN namespace. This page aims to provide the syntax of the MCP MRN (Maritime Resource Name) which is described in MCC Identity Management and Security: General Approach and Basic Requirements.

MCP MRN syntax

The syntax of a MRN governed by the MCC (short: MCP MRN or MCP name) based on the Augmented Backus-Naur Form as specified in [RFC5234] is as follows:

<MCP-MRN> ::= "urn" ":" "mrn" ":" "mcp" ":" <MCP-TYPE> ":" <IPID> ":" <IPSS>
<MCP-TYPE> ::= "device" | "org" | "user" | "vessel" | "service" | "mms" | "mir" | "msr"
<IPID> ::= <CountryCode> | (alphanum) 0*20(alphanum / "-") (alphanum)
<IPSS> ::= pchar *(pchar / "/")

, where “mcp” specifies that the governing organization is the MCC and other attributes are defined:

  • <MCP-TYPE>: an entity type in the MCP types
  • <IPID>: Identity Provider ID (IPID) refers to a national authority or other kind of organization that acts as an identity provider within the MCP. If the identity provider is a national authority then the IPID must be a country code as defined by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. Otherwise it will be a string of the same syntax as that for OIDs. The IPID must be unique across the urn:mrn:mcp namespace.
  • <IPSS>: Identity Provider Specific String (IPSS) can be defined and managed by the respective identity provider in a way that is consistent and conforms to the definitions of the MRN namespace and requirements laid down by the MCC. In particular, the identity provider must ensure that the IPSS identifies a particular resource uniquely for its type within the domain of the identity provider.

Altogether, this will ensure that the resulting URN is globally unique.
